Still Rockin'

By RockArea

Porlock Marsh

We made an early start this morning and tried a local beach but the tide was so low there was little of interest. There was a rainbow over Dunster Castle behind us so we decided to go that way. Being very early we were able to stop in Dunster and take photos of the castle from the main street. The street is chock full of parked cars but by moving above the Yarn Market it hid many of the cars down that side of the street. The Yarn Market is a 17th century timber framed building which apparently still bears the scars of cannon fire in the civil war(1642 to 1651). We went on to Watchet Harbour but with bright sunlight offshore and low tide, there wasn't much to be done there. So we headed back to base for breakfast.

After a bit of rest we drove to Porlock Weir and walked up the coast path towards Bossington to find these wonderful ghost trees. The salt marsh was formed when the ridge of the pebble bank was breached about thirty years ago and these trees were killed by the event and the subsequent flooding of the area at high spring tides. No such thing today but they're wonderful to photograph even with out the water and it's very interesting to wander around finding different compositions. We've been very fortunate with the weather today. Although there's a frequent threat of rain it's not materialised and all though there's a bit of chilly wind, it was lovely to sit by the marsh eating our lunch in the sun.

It's the Wide on Wednesday challenge today hosted by BobsBlips. The theme today is 'Landscape' so this fits in well. I've added extras of Dunster this morning and another of the trees.

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