
By Marionb

Which is it?

A house finch or a purple finch? I thought "purple finch" but my Apple Photos program that identifies flora and and fauna automatically for me, said House Finch..Hmmm..I looked it up...and apparently it is the stripes under the wing that provide the identifying clue. 

I would not know this if I was not on Blipfoto; in fact, I might not have even bothered to take the photo in my pre-blipping life! Now I watch the birdlife in my back yard very closely and take great pleasure in it...and I learn a lot at the same time too....

I was somewhat under the weather today, and after a morning of stressful phone calls, returning items to a store that had sent the wrong size, ( hard can it be to read the SIZE on an order?) and then a fiasco with the vet clinic*, I came home and just wanted to go to bed..BUT.. I needed a blip first, and, as usual, the backyard bird gang co-operated!

* PS: By the end of the day, Maggie ended up with the meds she needed,  despite endless delays in getting it from the vet. The clinic is so understaffed that they have only a fill-in vet who comes once or twice a week so, of course, they cannot provide the service one expects. They have been trying for months and months to hire new vets, but it seems there is a shortage of vets in Ontario? Say what? Really? 

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