Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Not stopped yet ...

I was so tired after yesterday's jaunt that I thought I'd never get out of bed in time to go shopping, but I made it - only to find that the gaps in the shelves were worse than ever and I could find no-one to remedy it. In fact, I had to stop a managerial type who was actually pushing a big mesh trolley thing around and ask him to get me some bags to put onions in ... Says it all, really. I tweeted a complaint and got a reply asking for a DM (why?) so that they could look into it - don't hold your breath.

The rest of the day felt very bitty. I went out before lunch to get some flour and stuff from the health shop, and in the afternoon we walked along to a big hardware store on the edge of town to get something to deal with the weeds on the pavement outside our garden wall. We had an early dinner because we were going out - though I did manage 15 minutes in the sunshine outside to do my Italian and take today's photo of my wisteria, which has burst into blooms that are about a foot long and have a heavenly scent.

Then we were off again, down the road to the Queen's Hall for the local Choral Club performance of 9 to 5, starring our first soprano in a lead role, as well as the daughter of one of our altos. I shall be singing that song all night ... We had a chat with a member of the band who is a pal of my sister's - the players came from all over, unlike the old days when the Choral Club sang opera (I once played violin in the orchestra for Carmen) and was made up entirely of local worthies, all un-miked. I must say I'd enjoy hearing what I sound like through a radio mike - very loud anyway. When we came out, the sky was completely clear and seagulls were circling over us in a Hitchcockian manner that was quite disconcerting.

And now I'm rabbiting on instead of going to bed, where I really want to be... G'night!

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