West Yorkshire by Night

Whilst Annie set off in the direction of Bristol at the crack of dawn, for me (Chris) it was the joys of the M1 and M62 for a drive up to Halifax for work and some 2013 planning. It is a long drive but one I'm familiar enough with to enjoy looking for the changes in the landscape rather than just remembering which junctions to get on and off!

After a nice meal out with a couple of colleagues this evening (our much delayed Christmas meal), I stopped off roadside to catch this elevated view of the artifically lit landscape. Chilly but quite a view even if I'm not altogether sure exactly what I was looking at!

Annie had a very trying day at work in Bristol. This was then made complete by a 3 hour drive home because of a closed junction on the M4 at a critical point for the optimal route home. A 17 hour day end to end, not quite what she had planned. Yawn.

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