Get the Bikini Out

Annie began the day with a drive to London and back. She did so 2 hours earlier then planned to avoid the snow. It worked for most of the journey but the last bit of the M40 was a little bit hair-raising.

I (Chris) awaited the arrival of the heating engineer. After what must probably be the coldest night in this house ever, the errant boiler was repaired this lunchtime. What a relief, especially with the snow falling at an alarming rate.

As the snow eased off late this afternoon, various neighbours began to emerge in coats and hats with snow shovels and brooms. Our road can be quite challenging to get out of when it gets slippery so an early attempt was made to cut some lines back to the road surface to give us a fighting chance of driving anywhere tomorrow. We joined in and many hands didn't exactly make light work but we certainly made a good impression.

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