Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

Old Amersham Views

Amchor choral society invited members of my choir, Thames Voyces, and  the Thame Children's Choir to join them for a performance of Carl Orff's Carmina Burana in St Mary's Church, Old Amersham (the church in the thumbnail for today's blip).

Today was the day of the concert when each of the choirs had a solo spot followed by the main event, which literally raised the rafters with the  100+ voice choir, 2 baby grands (sans lids) and a full accompaniment of timps and percussion. At one point during rehearsals my friend's smart watch registered 90 decibels with the dire warning of "temporary deafness if it continued for 30mins"!

The concert itself was well attended and went down a storm.

Before the excitement of rehearsals and concert I took a gentle walk round Old Amersham with the little Olympus camera before settling in one of the coffee shops for coffee and cake (of course!).  My blip shows some of the sights of this pretty old town.

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