Clark Tales

By cclark

Starter for 2!

Pretty relaxed day, AGAIN. Need to get back to uni and asap. though the minute I'm there I'm gonna long for my summer off again! Catch 22

So met HEC while she was at her hairdressers appointment - I showed up with a couple of coffees and some banter. It was nice to catch up, while her hair was covered in red hair dye.

After that it was chores and pottering about, when I noticed that I had lost my favourite hat!!! END OF THE ACTUAL WORLD. My day was edging slowly into a negative mode! Calls where made, the hat was not found. As I had to go back into town to collect my Dad from his eye appointment anyway I decided to go hat shopping! Well the world did not end, I found my hat, a new one, far better than the old one! yay

Then it was off to Venice Beach for a drive a walk, wispa, then a drive around Holyrood Park. Kept passing Pizza Express and DP and I could not resist. We both had a craving for the starters we had at our meal last friday, so off we trotted to obtain some! IT ROCKED!

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