Et in Orcadia ego

Well I'm sitting a car park in the rain, looking at the Ring of Brodgar. It's a huge carpark, but I'm the only person here. Strangely enough, Brodgar has better phone reception than anywhere else on Orkney.. those Neolithic folk knew what they were doing when they built here..
I've had a great, touristy day. I hired a car for 24 hours to get around and have visited the Italian Chapel, the Brough of Birsay (just before the causeway was cut off by the tide), Skara Brae (where a 6-year-old Sarah once tripped and cut her face - she still has the scar) and Skaill House. I've walked a cliff top path and watched Real Sea crashing against the rocks. And now I'm going to get wet seeing the Ring of Brodgar before I turn the car back to Kirkwall.
I love this Chapel,  which was built by Italian POWs from whatever materials they could get hold of.
The painting above the altar, Mary as the Queen of Peace,  was copied from a postcard given to the artist, Chiocchetti, by his mother, and which he had carried with him throughout the war.
I should have put in a link to this music yesterday. Enjoy it today instead!

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