All the birds, singing*

It happens every year around the middle of March.....a day comes when the sun rises almost directly in front of our house, which faces due East, and suddenly something rises in me, a desire to go out and garden. I know, I know, that proper gardeners do most of their stuff in the winter, but during all those months of gloom and cold my preferred outside activities are walking and birdwatching, sleeping, sometimes cycling. Then it's a pleasure to return home, sit by the fire and read, sew, knit or watch a DVD.

The world turns, the light this afternoon I took a walk around the garden and looked at it with an eye to the future, seeing the raspberry canes and apple trees loaded with fruit, the borders lush and bright. I did a bit of tidying up and cutting back; only an hour but a very pleasant one, accompanied by birds, singing.

*The title of the book I'm currently reading, by Evie Wyld. 

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