Clark Tales

By cclark

LD 42

Another day in Lockdown at the beginning of another week in Lockdown. The beginning of week 2 of being back at full time work.

However what a lovely and exciting event today, this letter box hamper sent by the wonderful Jenny. She really didn't need to but we were so grateful for the lovely thought.

I must say I hadn't planned a food theme this week and because I'm back blipping I hadn't quite realised...but so much for daily Wallace Monument snaps...haha.

Once work was done we did our couch to 5k run (week 2 begins). I actually enjoyed it more today. It was ao get run but less of them... which I think was better for me. I did struggle with a silly stitch but powered through and cracked on. We both felt proud we've kept it up.

Tonight we decided to start watching the Marvel movies in chronological order (not release order). So we began with Captain America. I liked it. Maybe because it was set in the 1940s it didn't quite feel like a typical action film. Anyway I liked it.

I must say there is an air of change over the last few days when it comes to the news and just things feeling different. Nothing has actually changed with lockdown or the rules but a lot of companies that closed (even though technically they didn't need to they could have continued with delivery services) are beginning to either reopen or talk about reopening....I saw an article about Costa today which told of 45 minute drive through queues...for a coffee....they re-opened so key workers could get a coffee say on a long drive to work....not so you have an activity to do. I despair for when things reopen. There will be less staff and long queues because people think life will resume as before!

288 people died of Covid-19 today. That's the lowest figure for deaths in 24 hrs in a month....that's not a green light to return to normality!

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