Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Trees with faces are always a bit scary. It was a lovely walk ‘though; TSM had a day off so we had a lazy start before going out. 

I found a web page about the magical properties of trees


which is totally fascinating although also totally new age, so you can make your own judgement. Personally I love the idea of the Dragon’s Blood Tree having healing and protective properties and the Jacaranda helping you with your homework or academic studies. And there is a Willow a few hundred yards from my house which apparently supports divine masculinity and personal empowerment. Although it also is associated with ghosts; must be the way they sway in the wind and dangle their fronds in your face when you are walking home in the moonlight after you’ve been drinking beer in your local pub. Yes, I do speak from experience ...

We had a Sainsbury’s delivery tonight so are well stocked now and can hunker down to the end of lockdown. We also had some more artisan vegan cheese delivered which is absolutely gorgeous. Veganzola! Wonderful stuff. 

I did have a quick work meeting this morning and TSM had a longer one this afternoon, so it wasn’t all fun and food. But overall a rather lovely day.

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