up there

Laura's exam finished at lunchtime today and she very kindly offered to look after Jess so that I could spend some time in Edinburgh. Jess and I travelled into town on the bus and I delivered her to the flat next to the Meadows which Laura shares with 5 other girls. When I closed the door I could hear their excitement :-)

I decided to climb up Arthur's Seat as it was nearby and a good way to see a lot of Edinburgh! The view from the top, as always, was superb, and I spent a lot of time just looking at the landmarks from all directions.

I then spent a happy hour in the national Museum of Scotland, which I had pre-booked online. The limited ticket numbers meant that there weren't very many visitors. We all had to wear masks, go on a one-way system and sanitise hands. But none of that could spoil the enjoyment of being back in the museum. The art galleries haven't opened yet, but they will be by the time I return to Edinburgh.

I'm back at home now. Jess  is asleep under the table, worn out with travelling by bus, train and car and being made a fuss of by so many people   and this is in addition to her daily walk on the beach. Needless to say, I'm a little tired as well..

Today's walks: Beach with Jess 1.43 Arthur's seat etc 5.71 miles

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