Police Scotland

By PoliceScotland

Police Scotland Day 22

One of our Police Scotland Wildlife Crime Unit Liaison Officers came to the rescue of a sheep and its newborn lamb on Thursday afternoon.

Police Scotland Constable Graeme Gordon, who was actually off duty, was out on the Carrick Hills in South Ayrshire when he came across a sheep having trouble delivering a lamb. Unfortunately, it looked like the poor lamb had actually passed away and was stuck inside its mother.

With this being the case, Graeme decided to deliver the lamb in order to save its mother.

However, once he had delivered the lamb and its mother was okay Graeme noticed the lamb's nose twitching. He then carried out a cardiac massage on the lamb and it came round with a little cough and splutter.

Graeme then contacted the local farmer to let him know what had happened. We're pleased to report that both the sheep and its newborn lamb are in good health and happily enjoying the sunshine!

Five years ago, Graeme also set up the Rural Watch, a service for farmers in Ayrshire providing updates, advice and crime trends information in rural areas. The thriving service now has 380 members.

Well done, Graeme.

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