big brew

This afternoon, I visited Dunscore to attend their Big Brew, which showcases Fairtrade and local producers (as well as being a good place to meet up with people you haven't seen for ages and have soup/coffee/cake). It's the 14th Big Brew since Dunscore became a Fairtrade Village in 2009 (there was a virtual one during Covid on Zoom).

Joanna had a stall, selling her jewellery and she was also raffling a necklace and earring set (made in the colours of the Turkish and Syrian flags) in aid of the DEC earthquake appeal. The raffle is won't be drawn for another week, and anybody can take part by donating a minimum of £1 on her JustGiving page (which also has a nice photo of the jewellery).

It's a shame this photo is in mono because Joanna also planned her outfit to be red, green and black.

I walked home and did a bit of gardening before making the tea (roasted red onion, sweet potato, red peppers, green and cannellini beans and harissa with couscous).

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