It was supposed to be so easy

A few things didn't go as planned today, but hey ho. I cheered myself up by listening to Mike Skinner's account of his frustrating day (swearing alert!)

Other good things happened - on Sunday morning I had set my alarm to go off at an unearthly hour so that I could book a place at today's aquaerobics class, and that was well worth the inconvenience; it was such fun (and a proper workout, too). 

and then...hyacinths! When Lidl sells them at £1.99 for 3 in a pot, there's no excuse not to buy some. These are the ones I bought two weeks ago, now fully in flower. I bought another pot today. So beautiful! Also there seems to be no limit now on how many peppers or tomatoes one person can leave the shop with. Happy days :-)

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