The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

No, I don't know either

I thought I'd taken a snap of some pheasant eggs that had been donated to Trinity Rooms, but no, I can't find it. So we have stacked snails instead. 

I've been down to Trinity rooms, met S, went to town, and Steve's been recovering from being presiding officer at a polling station yesterday. Long day for him, yesterday. Gloucester has had its count, and the Conservatives have lost control of the city council which they have held for over twenty years. In the ward where he was presiding (!) the Independent candidate was elected. Stroud had not held its count yet. We will find out tomorrow about the winners and losers.

The weather has been dreich, so I've watched a lot of TV, including ancient episodes of Top of the Pops. I even found  songs from a 'missing year': I recognised very few of the songs. Hair was very big, very curly then. Leather jackets were still in vogue. Only when there was a reference to Ferry Aid did I definitively realize that that the year was 1987. (Ferry Aid was a collaborative recording produced to help the victims and survivors of the 1987 Townsend -Thoresen ferry disaster in the North Sea, caused by negligence in regard to safety standards: sailing with the bow doors open). The reason that I didn't know most of the songs was that I was living in Greece at the time. We had no internet, no YouTube, no MTV, no radio one: just the BBC world service on the radio. I did go to clubs filled with dry ice and men with curly perms, but danced to a different song by Europe: the Final Countdown, and Greek songs too. (I had many a  curly perm too, but they were short, so I looked like a little boy). The next time I lived abroad after '86-'87 was '92 to '93, and I was not much interested in music or the charts by then. I only went to one club, and that was in a former nuclear fallout bunker. This was in the country that had just become the Czech Republic. 

I mention all this in passing. Life without the Internet is almost unimaginable now. Now I've said this, it'll probably crash tomorrow. 

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