Clark Tales

By cclark


"Make use of the time you have and don't stress the little things. Have a smile and enjoy what you get out of life."

~Nick Colleluori

Nick is someone I was lucky enough to know. He and I are the same age, our parents met 27 years ago this year. They say you cant pick your family but between the Clarks, the Colleluori's and the Zimmermans I believe we picked well! Fran the head of the clan (Granmom) is by far and away the most exceptional woman I know, never mind the funniest!

I could go on about the bond and the coincidence's I think there is between the two family's including the fact that Nick's mum is also called Cheryl (I like to think my namesake but my parents tell a different story) but I'd rather keep it simply, in that its unbelievable how such a bond can exist with so many miles in between.

If you have time to click the link this may explain more about the blip and the merchandise my parents brought back from Philly for me.

So, here's to the Clarkelluori's and the next time we meet, for some members this will be later rather than sooner, but one day it will happen x

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