Clark Tales

By cclark

Cold coffee is not good !!!

In hindsight today was a funny day but when It was happening I thought I may crack up. It started with making my starbucks flask of coffee up just before leaving for work, then when I was at the lights I took a swig of COLD coffee !!!! lol woops need to actually press the button to boil, not just fill it up, leave the room for a few minutes thinking its done itself.

So I get to the office and the team all go for a coffee break, and it happens again, the boss thinks Ive hit boil and vice versa!! lol

the afternoon was stressful as the phone kept going which meant the paperwork pile didnt shrink too much. HOWEVER -

I got to end the day by visiting the gorgeous Olivia!!! this was her semi-smile lol she was being cute!

DAMN it - has just occured to me - There has been a nagging feeling all day that I needed to go to my parents house and now I have just remebered why!! lol I wanted to take a photo of there House number !!! they live at number 37 and this is my 37th BLIP!!! boo maybe i will do it tomorrow

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