Clark Tales

By cclark

Beauty and the Beast- that didn't just describe th

BACKBLIP~ Wow wow what an amazing amazing night - I loved every second of it!!!

First it was dinner with Olivia's mum Heather and a well deserved catch up - we have not been out on our without Olivia since her birth (nearly 3 yrs ago!)

Then it was off to the Alhambra to see Beauty and the Beast ! Andy was fantastic as were the rest of the cast - my highlight was the French Duster and Lumiere!

The pub then beckoned - hev went home to get oli and I met up with some old friends - ended up with loads of photos and videos with a 4am finish tucking the flatmate up with a bucket an a pint of water! So by the end of the night we were all beast and no beautys !

Ahh hang over heaven awaits ! X

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