My day

By 59

Mono. Monday Mail Boxes

Well here is my entry for mono Monday challenge : Mail Boxes hosted by Rainie ( thank you so much). It is a shame it isn't colourful circus Monday and I would have been really happy as I have just taken Max to the Great Moscow Circus. It was fantastic, we both laughed and laughed and will remember it as our special time together. It was a bit tricky taking action indoor shots but a few came out with streaks of colour, very pretty.

There were only a few animals in the circus...7 ponies who looked as if they were well cared for and having fun. We can't decide what was our favourite part, the actors are VERY clever and the only part I could have done was the part that a nice pony carried out to perfection. He went out to a restaurant ( and was very naughty pulling off the table cloth) and then went to bed. And he wouldn't get up either. I don't know how they train animals like that, plenty of bribery I Imagine.

Back to the mail box challenge...I took all the mailboxes on the street as we walked home and chose this one because the owners have obviously just put it up, all the others had character but the newness shone out in this case.

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