
By Hamey

MonoMonday:Still Life

There's Still Life left in these two with a combined age of 74!

Teddy is the oldest at 60 odd and I'll let you do the maths for the garden chair. This fell apart due to age and today I decided it was time to mend it. So a trip to Wellington Timber to get some gap filling adhesive and came away with what I have not used before being a polyurethane wood adhesive gel. It also expands to fill gaps and thus the clamping is very important. So life left in the old chair.

Teddy has a relatively quiet life now and has at some point in the past been given new palms and soles!! He has done well and still manages to get around but is blind which is a shame......

You were going to get a collapsed springer pup stretched out but that would have been just too easy!

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