Fun with Uncle Lyall

Mind you, on closer inspection, it might have been a partial still from that old schlocky horror film "Nosferatu the Vampire"!
We have had a great but busy day. Up at the crack of and away down the woods with Isla & Rona then off up to visit MaggieD's Mum and take her to the supermarket. Back home, lunch then start preparing the barbecue for later.
The sun did come out here but not until early afternoon which was just fine for us.
The family arrived mid afternoon and we had a great time. The sheets were hung up as sun-shades (and very effective too!) so Lyall put on this shadow show. Euan was much amused and tried to whack Lyall's shadow on the sheet. As Lyall was quite close to the sheet at that point, things might have got painful but fortunately, Euan does not have much of a punch as yet!

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