Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Poor Youngshanks

We leave him to look after the place and this is the third time there's been a major tree fall when he's been in charge. I really don't know what he gets up to. Does he have a secret life swinging through the treetops?

Anyhow this fall blocked our road and blocked the neighbour's drive around eight in the morning. The neighbour heard it, but Youngshanks didn't and Youngshanks couldn't be raised so the neighbour borrowed a chainsaw and cleared it off the road - thank you very much sir.

Once Youngshanks discovered what had happened armed with only a hand saw he set about clearing the debris a bit further off the road until what was left was too big for the saw. A call to David brought extra man power, but they couldn't get our chainsaw started so resorting to David's more robust saw they eventually cleared it all well back from the road - thank you very much David, thank you very much Youngshanks.

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