Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Did That Really Happen?

Being Hibs supporters we're well used to disappointments these days. Mind you 3-0 down to Falkirk after half an hour of the Scottish Cup Semi-Final goes a bit beyond the standard disappointment. Falkirk deserve it too, they've played well, they've taken their chances, they're a young side - good luck to them in the final.

At half time get a call from Longershanks in Uganda, he's been following it online. There's no words of encouragement between us, just looking forward to him coming back to the UK tomorrow.

Hope springs eternal though, but then the second half starts with us being denied a clear cut penalty, hey ho. Alex Harris scores then we get a penalty but it's saved, hey ho again. Then Leigh Griffiths gets our second and Eoin Doyle our third, all the impetus is ours going into extra time. With just five minutes to go Leigh Griffiths picks up a clearance from a corner, takes a couple of paces towards goal, hits his shot from outside the box - Did That Really Happen?

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