Born and raised in South Africa, we moved to New Zealand in 2006 and never looked back. New Zealand is truly blessed with photo opportunities, specially of the landscape variety! I have no training in photography, and I'm trying to improve my skills by reading some reference works and partici Read more...

Born and raised in South Africa, we moved to New Zealand in 2006 and never looked back. New Zealand is truly blessed with photo opportunities, specially of the landscape variety! I have no training in photography, and I'm trying to improve my skills by reading some reference works and participating in Blipfoto. So, please feel welcome to give me any tips and advice you want - all will be gratefully received!

My interests are mostly landscapes and close-ups of bugs and flowers. But I also like taking pictures in the city, as it provides many opportunities to include live, moving subjects (my family refuse to be used as subjects for photos!). I also try to work on abstract subjects, as it takes a different approach to identify something that will work based on lines, shapes and colors.

Thanks for everyone who comment on my pictures. Even if I do not reply, please know that every comment is read and appreciated!