
The Boss thought that's what these cabbage trees looked like. Three sisters all dressed up on the town. Hmmmmmmmm? I thought, maybe this is the new glasses but then again he wasn't actually wearing them at that moment, not being in the home or office so to bark.
It was jeans on this morning and as we hit the track he remarked that maybe it should have been shirt under the sweat shirt as well but he soon warmed up and I was nice and cosy in my uncut soft coated coat. The Sunday rain has raised the lake a tad and my dPhone says there is more coming next weekend.
The Boss was telling me how "once upon a time" the weather forecast was broadcast on the radio every Sunday in the middle of the request session. That was when folk wrote a letter on a bit of paper and sent it in the post to the radio station requesting a bit of music be played in the request session, which was on Sunday from midday.
Of course lots of folk requested the same music and The Boss remembers Gracie Fields singing "The Holy City" every Sunday along with the roast mutton and stuff that got served up at that time. He says it is funny but both he and The Bossess can't stand the smell of roast sheep and haven't eaten it for years (37 of them to be exact) and in fact we have very few roast anything these days.
Anyway The Sunday request session was the thing and every Sunday The Boss's Dad would yell uncomplimentary things at the Boss's Mum about the lady that sang but his Mum would refuse to turn it off and then the weather would come on and a hush would descend while the forecaster worked his way from North Cape to The Chatham Islands and they would realise that they had missed Canterbury (where they lived) 'Cos someone talked, so the whole performance was a waste of time. Now you just take your phone out of your pocket and look. No roast dinner or lady singer or drama.
Seems a bit of an anti-climax I recon.
Editorial note...The Boss was a lot younger then and hadn't even thought about The Bossess in fact The Bossess's parents had not thought about her either and radio was AM (ancient modulation) and when you lifted up the bonnet on a car the only thing in there was the motor and lots of spare space.

But they did have cabbage trees so at least some things are constant.

Cordyline australis

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