
By diaspora

Happy Tarp

I found this slightly bizarre - but very happy looking - tarpaulin covering a stack of sheets of...something...near the Tapu Te Ranga Marae. As I've mentioned before everything is recycled on the Marae and the Marae itself is constructed from cast-off materials from the town. I suspect the tarp is a recycled advertising hoarding!

I know it looks as though the image has been photoshopped onto the tarpaulin but it hasn't ...really...I wouldn't know how to. I did try to create this as a monochrome with the tarp as selective colouring, but after more than an hour of footering about with my trial copy of Photoshop it crashed taking my - almost complete - selectively coloured image with it! In an emergency I used a preset plug-in for Adobe Lightroom 3 (beta) to give it a little oomph...phew.

Edit: altered the image to the selective colour version I wanted in the first place...oh to be obsessive compulsive ;-)

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