Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter


Let's talk about the weather -- again! My Dashboard Weather widget warned of showers and showers and thundery showers and showers for the first four days of the week. It was bang on as far as today goes for the best part of it. Dull, grey skies, showers of nasty drizzle, more dull, grey skies: certainly not what we should be experiencing approaching Midsummer Day. And then the clouds parted, the sun broke through, and from 7.30 pm onward we've been treated to a glorious display of late evening sunlight.

We (my camera and I, of course) ventured all the way out into my unkempt patch of front garden and frolicked together among the macroworld of plants and shrubs and weeds. We had the best of fun for fifteen minutes or so, after which the dear little thing coupled with my iMac and released the crop of images he'd captured. Just as well something half decent emerged, because the dull dreary stuff he came up with while we were out earlier during the dull grey part of the day would have been far too depressing to inflict on the sophisticated and sensitive inhabitants of Blipland.

Apart from fulfilling our blip duty, it's been another woefully unproductive day (though I did manage to switch on the coffee maker without a filter in it and had to get stuck into a major mop-up operation in the kitchen).

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