Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog

Subverting Students

Fight the Power! is an exhibit installed in the University of Bradford's atrium, presented by Punch Records. It explores the art of political protest and propaganda. It has sparked some lively debate on campus, partly because it has raised issues about freedom of speech, and partly because it is not in a gallery, but in a public space. You can follow how the debate has been played out on the Fight the Power! Facebook group.

I've liked the way that it has invaded the space, on the floors and walls, and I think the de-gallerisation of art (don't Google that term - I made it up) is an excellent thing. The exhibit has also been participatory, and this patch of wall displays one poster from my own archive, 'Subverting Students', which I felt had a nice ambiguity about it in the context of the show.

political art ~ subverting students ~ fear ~ of a radical ~ planet

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