A Sasanach's Skye photos

By Sasanach

Camus Ban

I was always lead to believe that in English this meant 'The White Beach or Bay'. When we lived in Penifiler this was our nearest sandy beach and was no more than a twenty minute walk away. The kids used to love to come down here to play and swim.

I'll be honest, though I have walked along the top quite a number of times in recent years it must be 5 or 6 years since I last went right down. Yes I took photos down there today but I felt that this picture was perhaps the most interesting of the batch.

Oh it was a glorious day and though there was a cold wind, once sheltered from it, it was quite warm. Hey, who cares, I'm not intending to strip off and dive in tempting as it may look. It was so calm that there was virtually no sound from the sea lapping on the beach.

I am so glad we came down though. It brought back so many happy memories of the time when the kids lived at home. Wish I had a few grandchildren to share this with but I guess that time will come.

I sincerely hope you all had a good or better day. Tomorrow Clare and I are off to the east coast for a few days in our motorhome so there may only be some retrospective images when we get back. Wishing you all a happy 1st of March,

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