
By lyseelys

Fly Away With Me

Earthquake Day #8

I do suppose that 8 consecutive earthquake days is enough...I think I'll just call it a rest and say that I'm on 'leave' from uni until further notice for my sanity's sake (of what's left of it that is).

Today was more or less a fantastic day. I spent the time with my beautiful friend Sarah, having a picnic, playing card games, and more or less being little children for a day drawing funny pictures and building hunts out of card board sheets :)
It was such a pretty day as well, and on top of that it's the first day of autumn; which is great because autumn is an awesome season! (The colours in the photo sort of match, you could say)

On a more serious note; today was the week anniversary of the earthquake. There was a 2 minute silence at 12:51 but I may possibly have forgot about it as I was too busy acting a small and innocent child without a care in the world ( to speak) bad..

Again, thank you to all the support that people from all over the world are giving Christchurch in our hard trials. It is not going to waste!

The death toll has once again risen today to 155 and officials have come up with an expected number of around 240..gutted..

Oh, and on a really selfish and pathetic note the water at home has stopped...which is far to annoying for my liking..but no matter; as I am off down to Dunedin with Mother, Nick and Kirsty tomorrow :) Horray for trustworthy water supply and slightly more stable ground!

Well, enjoy :)

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