Jon's Page

By Jon_Davey

Corridor words

Went to a meeting today at The Hub on Edinburgh's Royal Mile. On my way out I noticed the neon words that light up the corridor. I must have seen them before, but today I looked at them. And wondered why whoever made them gave up on the alphabet after the first few. I should have written them down in my notebook, as now I'm struggling to remember them. First was "Ancient", then "Breeze", "Candle" and "Day", when the pattern skipped onto "Fire". Except these days we have the resources of the web at our fingertips. Searching for "The Hub, corridor, words" reveals that the light sculpture was created in yellow neon by David Ward, and the pattern is one of a series of word pairs, each one missing the word "light". On the one hand the internet enhanced my world, enabling me, sitting at my laptop, to discover something that I might otherwise not have been easily able to find out and therefore probably wouldn't have gone searching for.
But maybe without the internet I would have had to think a bit more. Maybe go back and write down all the words and try and work it out for myself.

Or perhaps just forgotten about it.

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