Five things

By fivethings

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1. Waking from a really good, long sleep, in good time and the exorcist shower behaving itself for the first time in days.

2. I love it when you get to go places that most people don't. Today I went backstage, as it were, in a library for a meeting full of good ideas and plans. And buttered pancakes.

3. People tell you that difficult things are worth doing, face your fears and all that. Had a bit of a moment like that today. People tell you that these kind of things are never as bad as you think they'll be. They are right.

4. A short stroll and a bowl of creamy pasta. It's nice to have someone who listens to me go on and on (and on). At least he does a very good impression of someone who's listening and I suppose that's half the battle.

5. Drawing tonight. These pictures are Fi and Helen's - mine, at this point, were rubbish. Fiona was drawing with pinks and oranges and yellows.

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