Paul's Imagination.

By paulransom

Don't Do It and Fail

This is basically just a blip to show Sami the postcard I made based on her very helpful motivational quote that she gave me yesterday when I was greatly struggling to do anything. You can't go wrong with a cheap 'Keep Calm and Carry On' rip-off.

It also gives me a chance to show off my bookshelf, of which I am extremely proud. I guess the next step would actually be reading some of them.


Unfortunately, for the latter half of the day I have been haunted by the image from a film I watched almost a year ago. It was mentioned in passing in an episode of How I Met Your Mother that I watched today, and now whenever I go to pick up Catcher in the Rye I can't help but picture it. Very frustrating, especially considering I'm only 15 pages from the end, but can't concentrate of reading it!. I won't say what film, because it'll either remind you of the horrendous-ness of it, or you'll just think I'm being a wimp (all I can say it MARK AND JANE, I BLAME YOU). It's very odd... films don't normally have any effect on me like this.

**The message means 'if you don't do it, you will fail' rather than any other way it could be interpreted - I know what I mean!**

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