Living In The Valley

By CatbirdCottage

The Apple Tree - Very Early Spring

Another very mild early spring day. Even with the sunshine & longer days, I only had about 15 minutes after I came home from work today to try and round up a blip....

I'm loving how the apple trees are looking now. The branches are just gorgeous and you can now see what is starting to bud out. (as long as they aren't too early) This apple tree is only a year old, it was planted last year and it has the most spring look to it than any of the others. This one and most of the others are heirloom trees, so fingers crossed that we won't have many problems with them. Last year fire blight went through and there was a small amount of damage from that. As if we may have our hands full with apples, the hubbster (hubby) went ahead and ordered 3 pear trees. That's going to be another project in a few weeks getting them in the ground. Maybe that's another blip on the horizon. haha.

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