Thursday Tulips

Yes I know, another flower blip.
However these tulips have been a joy for nearly a week and I thought to immortalise them before they withered.

Tulips often have a habit of drooping, but these lovelies held their heads up high and cheered up the Dower House with their yellowness on murky days like today and glowed almost translucently when the sun shone through the windows onto their petals.

It was a high pressure day here in Edinburgh and the mistiness and murkiness lifted only for odd seconds.

His Lordship and I sallied forth for food shopping to the "fur coats and nae drawers" district of Morningside in Edinburgh, there to mix with the well heeled and otherwise interesting mix of the population.

We had a delightful respite from carrying bags, in a cafe owned and run by a class mate of son# 1, and the daughter of a father who cycles with us.

Edinburgh is really a village at heart: less so than it used to be, but it is always possible to find a connection with an inhabitant if they are prepared to speak.

We Edinburghers are infamous for being much more self contained and reticent than the Glaswegians, who can tell you their whole life story while standing waiting for a bus.

It was a cheerful spot to sit, catch up on news and generally watch the world go by. But not for too long, as his Lordship, as always, had an agenda and was anxious to get back to tick the boxes.
I suspect they were none too important, man boxes, if you will.

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