accidental awesome

By alexamato

Productive day off today. Went through loads of old paperwork in the filing cabinet to see what I could chuck out for recycling. Found heaps of receipts from all the crap I was buying at my first bike shop. It was weird seeing all the names of ex-colleagues on these slips of paper. I wonder what they're all doing now....

Also, I can't believe I paid $50 for a 32mb Memory Stick, and £80 for a 256mb flash drive back then. But, that's the way things go. A few years from now I'll think my terabyte hard-drive is tiny.

Went up to Calton Hill this evening to take a stab at time-lapse photography. My D7000, in it's infinite wisdom, has an in-built intervalometer, so all I really had to do was stand in the increasingly cold wind as the camera did all the work. I was pretty pleased with my first result, but now I know what to do to make it better.

After all the photo-taking, I made my way home and was struck by an unusual scene. Some weird light seemed to be coming from somewhere on the other side of St. Mary's Cathedral. There's no stadium there, but whatever it was it gave a really good look to an already amazing building.

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