Was It Really So Long Ago

By LincolnGreen

S-P-L-A-S-H !!

Beloved spent today at a spa, with friends. This left me and the two girls to find something to do. I'm always keen to encourage them to do stuff outside and duck feeding usually goes down well. Today, however was to be a contrary kind of day as it turned out. What one daughter wanted to do was sure to be the very thing the other didn't. And on it went for quite some time. I'd pretty much exhausted all the options apart from the indoor soft play area, when we all agreed that lunch out and duck feeding was too much to resist.

We headed to Flatford and had a great time! Apart from a brief episode of being chased by a crowd of hungry ducks whilst holding half a loaf of bread and screaming enthusiastically incident, all was good.

Here pictured is my elder daughter, half way across the meadow as chosen by beloved. She also recommended the colour splash treatment, so after drawing stumps on finding a suitable app for the mac, I found these step-by-step instructions for GIMP.

I hope you like it.

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