Family 6

By meganrose


A trip up to visit grandma today. I haven't seen her for a while and her memory seems to be failing a little now. She still has a sense of humour and is sprightly, but not much of our conversation made sense. She told me she had recently been camping at Grange. I know Grange is often referred to as 'God's waiting Room', but one would have thought they could wait in comfort, not tents.

Rory was very poorly in the night, the sickness bug attacked deep in the night. This morning I had all good intentions of taking stuff to a carboot sale, but I couldn't open my eyes and was left to my slumbers until 9am. It took me a further hour to roll out of bed, what luxury.

A trip to Bowness and a mint choc chip ice cream later Rory seemed to have picked up. Until we got to my brothers. Intersting choice, luminous green ice cream, given his state.

Fingers firmly crossed no one else will contract it.


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