Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

The Park

We went to the park this morning to see the ducks and run around at the playground. My son spotted a huge group of seagulls and informed us that the ducks, "flew north", for the season. And then just as he said that, we saw all of the ducks. Walking, swimming and quaking everywhere.

And we saw something new as well. Right in the middle of the pond was a fly fisherman. He was in full waders with all of his gear. The kids found this fascinating. "Mommy, there is a guy in the pond". What a great place to practice. It actually looked like he was involved in a lesson because there was a girl with the same gear standing near the shore giving him advice on his form.

We got to the playground and the kids instantly chose the swings. And then the slide. And then the mud. My son jumped in a thick puddle of it and just as I said, "Hey buddy, watch out for the mud.....", he ran through a deep puddle and said, "Don't worry Mom, now the mud is all washed off". Soaked to his knees. And his sister was just as soaked a split second later. It was freezing out. But they didn't seem to mind so I said, "Okay, have at it, get muddy". And get muddy is exactly what they did.

I snapped a few photos and then my son wanted to take some pictures. He wanted to take a photo of the guy fly fishing in the pond. I figured that as long as he had the camera strap around his neck, it wouldn't be a problem. And I was right and was so glad that I let him use it. He ended up taking over 100 photos. And he photographed just like I do. He got down really low to the ground, he tried to get a picture of the ducks by standing behind a tree. It is when he started climbing the tree with my camera around his neck that I had to stop the "off the ground" creative junior blipping. He had a ball and my daughter ran around with him pointing out different things to photograph.

When we got home, we had our cousins over to play. My sister-in-law and I sipped coffee in the kitchen while the four kids ran around playing with costumes, legos, and star wars. They played all afternoon and we had a nice time catching up. Our kids are so lucky to have such close friendships with their cousins. All of the kids will grow up together and the love and support that they will continue to share is just a wonderful thing. By dinner time, my kids were pretty wiped out. Definitely ready for an early bedtime. And I chose to eat a later dinner of left over Chinese food from last night and I have to say, it tasted better this evening than it did last night. Chinese leftovers always seem to taste better the next day.

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