Penguin Droppings

By gen2

Swallow chicks getting fed.

Day 11 Welcome Swallows (Hirundo neoxena)

This afternoon, I went for a wander and came across a small pond which offered many possible subjects for a blip.

There were dragonflies (too fast, so I got nothing), Native hens (a type of moorhen), Dusky moorhens, Hoary-headed grebes and these swallows.

I believe these are called 'welcome swallows' and there were 6 newly fledged chicks getting fed by their diligent parents. (6 is unusual as my reference says 2 to 5). Originally the six were all on the same branch but were disturbed bu squabbling moorhens. Fortumately the moved closer, but did not stay so close together. A pity too that the parent in flight has its head hidden.

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