No time to waste?

By jt


Is this a sticky patch with blip? Or just being too busy? The observant among you will have noticed that three out of the last four blips have been of Poppy - the other one taken in our back garden. No, I've not been getting out much.... Pretty busy with a large pile of American Studies essays to mark by Friday, and my second consecutive Sunday evening sermon to prepare. One of those tasks is a joy, the other exceedingly lacking in joy (no prizes for guessing which)!

Went to make my mother-in-law's bed before lunch (she's staying overnight before they fly out tomorrow) and, having left the spare room door open, Poppy had of course gotten in (she knows she's not supposed to) and was hiding under the bed. RascalBaby! She got quite a fright when I lifted the mattress to fix the sheet, so I got Jem to bring the camera.... Moments after this, she'd left the room at quite a speed! She doesn't like the flash (well, usually) and the shifting of the mattress was a bit too much!

I owe one to Amalarian for drawing my attention to the fact that, inadvertently, this week's challenge has been met!

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