Family 6

By meganrose

Bad day

The whole day hasn't really gone to plan. after another screaming fit from Rory this morning, who has clearly decided boundaries are there to be pushed, he fell asleep whilst lolling on our bed. I got on with painting the upstiars hallway.

I realised I was running late, so ran some water in the paint tray and left the brush in. We arrived at nursery 30 minutes late, but one calmer Rory and a painted hallway made up for it. I set off to visit Katy. Farrah fell asleep in the car. I drove on, down the A6 to Barton Grange garden centre to get a card. I got to the check out only to realise my purse was still in the car.

I got to the hospital and it was mayhem. The car park was FULL and there was car park rage abound. So I gave up on the idea and came home. I will meet Jude tomorrow, although I would have preferred today.

Now I am in trouble for daring to leave the paint brush unwashed.

Some days are just destined to be testing.. I've even changed my mind about the wallpaper in the dining room and now i want £40 per roll instead of my £2 per roll bargains.

A good nights sleep will improve things, I'm sure.


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