Strange World

By strangeworld

In the Marsh

Today we went down to Nelson Lake Marsh to scope out the area. The American White Pelicans stop there for 2 weeks during their migration north for the summer. The marsh is part of a large forest preserve area that is home to a variety of wildlife, including endangered birds. This time of year the sandhill cranes are common.

The White Pelicans should start arriving within the next 10 days. We expect the full flock to reach 300 birds this year. I'll be going down every weekend to see them. Unfortunately, any images will be pure luck. To get a good shot you need at least a 500mm lens and a teleconverter. The best I can do is a 300mm. Based on today's trip its just not going to be enough.

We walked about 5 miles around the marsh which was absolutely fantastic! It was so wonderful to get outside in the fresh spring air and get some exercise.

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