Do you believe in Rapture - Sonic Youth

Apparently plenty do! Not only that but several of them appear to believe that it's due to kick off in about nine and a half weeks. Forgive m if this isn't news but taday was the first I'd heard of it.

I have to admit to being a tad sceptical. All tho research I've done on the rapture suggests that someone cobbled a string of completely unrelated biblical verses and quotations and used them to try and justify something that it doesn't really say at all. I'd be a bit less sceptical if people hadn't made a lot of money off the back of this.

Still, ever a pragmatist, I'll take extra care on the roads on the 21st of MAy just in case after all what if the driver of a car next to me gets taken up by the rapture during my commute. It would be slightly inconvenient to say the least.

Anyway, on that light note, here's the song.

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