
By Jamjar

It never rains but it pours

I've just been told that there's no camera data with this photo. What? I've no idea why or how that's happened as all I've done is turn it through 90 degrees and alter the colour slightly. So I've uploaded it again, same thing happened, but I've just carried on... and then it was published straight away!

That was the rain, now for the pouring...

Following very heavy rain overnight on Friday last and through Saturday, we found that the E.C.U. (electronic control unit) in our car was misbehaving very badly. We managed to get home from friends and then Steve had a look at it. It was soaking wet. In fact it was full of water. He emptied and dried it out, but it was still not working.

We had the car towed to the garage in the village, but they've been unable to fix it, and so this morning we've rung the RACC and the car's been taken to the main dealers in Reus... about an hour away.

We think this is going to cost mega-money.

By the way, this is the garage's vehicle, not our car!

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