Ca plane pour moi

A busy day - or was it just that my mind was moving far too slowly? First thing, one of my fellow team members down south had been interviewed in the street by some media person and asked his opinion on the future of HMV. They then took his mug shot. What he didn't realise was that his tetchy opinion would be presented as the voice of our organisation (they'd asked him for the name of his current employers) in some London morning paper. They don't like that sort of thing at the top here.
Later, had a very pleasant eat and a Dalmore 12 year old. Perfect after dinner drink, I'd say. And I liked this view. The perfect antidote to all those gritty B&W shots beloved of so many young blippers. Give the people some romance!

Yam! Bam! mon chat Splash
Git sur mon lit a bouffe
sa langue en buvant tout mon whisky
quant a moi peu dormi, vide, brime
J'ai du dormir dans la gouttiere
Ou j'ai eu un flash
En quatre couleurs

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