Bald Eagle

By JohnJD


In yesterday's blip I mentioned that I was going to a musical play last night and that I would review it today.

It was a production called Hoodwinked, based on Robin Hood, and performed by a local primary school.

I could tell you that it was a well written and funny script and that the children had learned all their lines and delivered them perfectly - they did.

I could tell you that the singing was great and delivered with gusto - it was.

I could tell you that the scenery, staging and production was excellent - it was.

I could tell you that the children, teachers and staff had all worked very hard and given of their time to put the production on - they had.

But I really want to tell you what happened at the end of the show. One of the cast, a young man of 10 or 11, announced that there would be a retiring collection to help the children and people suffering in Japan.

What I later found out was that the same young man had come into school on Monday and said that he had been watching the coverage from Japan over the weekend and could they take up a collection to help. Not only was that agreed to but the sales from the programmes and interval tuck shop were included too. What a great idea and what a caring attitude.

Aren't our young people wonderful?

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