an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs

The Ubiquitous Self Portrait

Another day inside all day (almost completely this time - minus the short walk from home to work), so I thought I would finally do that self portrait I talked about several days ago.

I don't really take self portraits, and I hate to be in photographs. My smile always looks fake to me without several shots to practice (as I did here). I'm quite good at being the least photogenic in most pictures that show up of me.

As you've probably noticed though, I don't photograph people often (ever?). The problem is this - I prefer candid shots more than anything, and if a candid shot doesn't present itself over the course of a day, well, it's unlikely that I'll take a photograph. So I guess I'm not one for portraits in general.

I actually am not happy with this shot either, though the light that came out of it was interesting - it was early this morning, sitting facing a window directly, with a slight lean, so all the natural light is on my face, it seems. Makes me feel quite lit up.

Anyway, tomorrow I return to a few days off and hopefully some interesting and colorful blips as per usual. But for now, I only have a few minutes to spare of my break, and I really must run and get some chocolate milk.

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