National Resource Named Steve

This is an ad that was in the May 1967 West Coast version of National Geographic Magazine. The "resource named Steve" is my brother Steve who is now 61 years old. I love this portrait they took of him. He looks so handsome and so serious. He is still good looking but has never been this serious. And it's interesting to see where he is now in relation to the expectations of Standard Oil in 1967. He is an artist, not a scientist. However his art, aquatint etching, is very technical and a perfect marriage of his scientific mind and artistic soul. You can see his work on his website. We were showing this old ad to friends the other day so I decided to use it for today's blip. If you look at the large version you should be able to read what Standard Oil had to say about Steve. Happily for me, he has lived a 15 minute walk from my house for the last five years. I never expected to be so close to both of my brothers. My other brother Dave lives just an hour away in Anacortes. I love having my family so nearby.

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